Meet the Team
Nienhuis Painting is an established painting business, which has been serving clients for over 5 years. Matt, the owner, has earned himself and his business a valuable reputation in the greater West Michigan area.
Nienhuis Painting has worked with builders, homeowners and business owners. Our services include both new construction and existing structures, in both the residential and commercial spaces.
Matt Nienhuis, Owner
Meet Matt. He began painting for family and friends at a young age. Working with his hands is something Matt enjoys doing. He and his wife Laura decided they wanted to officially open Nienhuis Painting shortly after they were married. Over 5 years later, Matt has created invaluable industry contacts and earned a reputation for quality and integrity.
Laura Nienhuis, Chief Organizer
Meet Laura. She began painting with Matt while they were dating. Once they started the business, she has worked and continues to work on job sites with him, while keeping things organized behind the scenes as well.